quinta-feira, 18 de julho de 2013

Tese (em desenvolvimento)

Som à Letra
A Civic Digital Media

I. Leite 1
1 Department of communication sciences, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal.

Journalism lives times of crisis. The RTP is in the process of being privatized, Lusa will suffer huge cuts in state support, and journalists from Publico will see their salary reduced dramatically. Unemployment for journalists (both generations) is a reality.
Lusa, for instance, lives difficult times. A group of workers from different organizations representing employees of the agency delivered at the office of Pedro Passos Coelho, Sao Bento, Lisbon, with a framework document explaining the agency's current situation and the dangers of a reduction in state funding, in particular weakening of Democracy  that this represents, the lower the resulting news coverage"[1]
In what matters for RTP, the concept of public service is questioned, accompanied by a possibility of firing the professionals. “Channel presents new grille and new image for this year of decisions for the future of the company. Advertising investment fell 30% in 2012” [2]
For young people is idyllic or impossible to get jobs in the area, having no alternative but to become entrepreneurs. The difficulties begin, however, self sustaining the respective media
“Som à Letra” was born amid this background of uncertainty on September 18th, 2009, a media that not only informs, but also teaches, entertains and helps readers through it´s projects: “Som Fm, Som TV, Som Civico”.
Civic journalism “at its heart is a belief that journalism has an obligation to public life - an obligation that goes beyond just telling the news or unloading lots of facts. The way we do our journalism affects the way public life goes. Journalism can help empower a community or it can help disable it. [3]
Som Civico [4] appeared with the main objective of helping communities and associations, without any fait divers or dependence from the Government. Many activities are already being prepared, by Som à Letra`s team.
We hope in this article relate the history of this medium, both in terms of journalism, both in terms of coordination (business model and social responsibility).

[1] Lusa's "recall" that cuts in the agency are "attack on democracy
http://www.jn.pt/PaginaInicial/Sociedade/Media/Interior.aspx?content_id=2906663, accessed at 10th January 2013
[2] RTP cuts 30 to 40% in the value of the grid http://economico.sapo.pt/noticias/rtp-corta-30-a-40-no-valor-da-grelha_159716.html, accessed at 11th January 2013
[3] Doing Civic Journalism, http://www.pewcenter.org/doingcj/index.html, accessed at 8th January2013
 [4] Som Cívico, https://www.facebook.com/somcivico , accessed at 11th January 2013

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